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Constitution of Zambia (1991)

PART XIX, Article 255:

“The management and development of Zambia’s environment and natural resources shall be governed by the following principles: … (l) effective participation of people in the development of relevant policies, plans and programmes; and (m) access to environmental information to enable people preserve, protect and conserve the environment.”

PART XIX, Article 256:

“A person has a duty to co-operate with State organs, State institutions and other persons to-

a. maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment;

b. ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources;

c. respect, protect and safeguard the environment; and

d. prevent or discontinue an act which is harmful to the environment.”

*These provisions represent amendments to the 1991 Constitution of Zambia and are included in the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act, 2016.