“The right to obtain safe drinking water shall be guaranteed. The State shall ensure the rational usage and preservation of water for future generations.”
“Everyone has the right to to live in a clean and healthy environment.”
“…The State ensures the protection of the environment. A law determines modalities for protecting, conserving and promoting the environment.”
“The right to obtain safe drinking water shall be guaranteed. The State shall ensure the rational usage and preservation of water for future generations.”
“Citizens shall have the right to a healthy environment within a framework of sustainable growth.
The State shall work towards preserving the environment.
The law shall determine the obligations of natural and legal persons pertaining to the protection of the environment.”
“A person and community shall have the right to: … manage, maintain and utilise natural resources, environment and biodiversity in a balanced and sustainable manner, in accordance with the procedures as provided by law.”
“The state shall: … conserve, protect, maintain, restore, manage and use or arrange for utilisation of natural resources, environment and biodiversity in a balanced and sustainable manner, provided that the relevant local people and local community shall be allowed to participate in and obtain the benefit from such undertaking as provided by law.”
“(1) The protection of the natural basis of live shall be the duty of each individual and the state community, bearing in mind the responsibility for future generations. Animals shall be respected and protected as living beings and fellow creatures. Natural resources must be treated with care and used economically. One of the paramount tasks of the state, the municipalities and bodies corporate under public law shall also be
to protect ground, water and air as the natural basis of live, to remedy or compensate for any damage which may occur, if possible, and to ensure that energy is used as economically as possible,
to preserve and continuously improve the efficiency of the ecosystem,
to protect the forest due to its particular importance for the ecosystem and to remedy or compensate for any damage which may occur,
to preserve and treat with care the indigenous animal and plant species, their natural habitats as well as characteristic natural sites and landscapes.
(2) It shall be the task of the state, the municipalities and the bodies corporate under public law to protect and care for art, historical and natural monuments and the landscape, to restore degraded artistic and historic monuments to their previous purpose as far as possible, to prevent the outflow of German art treasures to other countries.
(3) The enjoyment of natural beauty and recreation in the outdoors, in particular the access to forests and mountain meadows, the use of waterways and lakes and the appropriation of wild fruit to the extent customary in the respective region shall be permitted to every person. 2 In this respect, every person shall be obliged to treat nature and the landscape with care. 3 The state and the municipalities shall be entitled and obliged to maintain free access to mountains, lakes, rivers and other beautiful sceneries and to create free access by restricting property rights and to create hiking trails and recreational parks, if need be.“
“1. Every person has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being, and to be protected from pollution and harmful materials.”
“Every person has the right to clean potable water.“
“1. The Federal Government shall give priority to the protection, conservation, and preservation of the environment against anything that may cause harm to natural biodiversity and the ecosystem.
2. All people in the Federal Republic of Somalia have a duty to safeguard and enhance the environment and participate in the development, execution, management, conservation and protection of the natural resources and environment.
3. The Federal Government and the governments of the Federal Member States affected by environmental damage shall:
4. In consultation with the Federal Member States, the Federal Government shall adopt general environmental policies for the Federal Republic of Somalia.”
“The Federal Government and Federal Member State governments shall ensure that meetings between the Presidents of the Federal Member States and high ranking officials be held regularly to discuss issues that affect their territories, including:
e. The prevention of erosion and the protection of the environment;”
“In assigning a drafting project mentioned in Clause (5), the Oversight Committee shall prioritize the project as follows:…
b. Accord high priority to a project that aims at changing the behaviors that constitute a social problem concerning:
“Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” (Added by vote of the people on November 2, 2021.)
“The lands of the state, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the state from constructing, completing and maintaining any highway heretofore specifically authorized by constitutional amendment…”
“Each person has the right to a clean and healthful environment, as defined by laws relating to environmental quality, including control of pollution and conservation, protection and enhancement of natural resources. Any person may enforce this right against any party, public or private, through appropriate legal proceedings, subject to reasonable limitations and regulation as provided by law.”
“All persons are born free and have certain inalienable rights. They include the right to a clean and healthful environment and the rights of pursuing life’s basic necessities, enjoying and defending their lives and liberties, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and seeking their safety, health and happiness in all lawful ways. In enjoying these rights, all persons recognize corresponding responsibilities.”
“The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.”
“The public policy of the State and the duty of each person is to provide and maintain a healthful environment for the benefit of this and future generations. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the implementation and enforcement of this public policy.”
“Each person has the right to a healthful environment. Each person may enforce this right against any party, governmental or private, through appropriate legal proceedings subject to reasonable limitation and regulation as the General Assembly may provide by law.”
“1. Every person has the right-
a. to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and
b. to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future
generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that-
2. The State must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within the limits of the resources available to it, to achieve the progressive realisation of the rights set out in this section.”
“Every person has the right to-
a. safe, clean and potable water;”
*These provisions were promulgated as part of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act, 2013, which replaced the 1980 Constitution of Zimbabwe.
“Everyone has the right to life in fresh environment and has the duty to protect the environment.”
“1. The State has a policy to protect the environment; manages, and effectively and stably use natural resources; protects the nature and biodiversity; takes initiative in prevention and resistance against natural calamities and response to climate change.
2. The State encourages all acts of protection of the environment, development and use of new energy and recycled energy.
3. Organizations and individuals who cause environmental pollution, debilitate natural resources and weaken biodiversity shall be strictly dealt with and must be responsible for remedy and compensation for damage.”
*These provisions represent amendments to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam that were promulgated in 2013.
“Every citizen must loyally fulfill his obligations towards the national collectivity and respect public property and private property. The citizens enjoy the same rights and the same duties vis-à-vis the Nation. They participate equally in the construction [edification] of the Fatherland and have right, under the same conditions, to sustainable development and to an environment balanced and respectful of health.”
“1. Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right to have the natural world protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures.
2. To the extent that it is necessary, a law or an administrative action taken under a law may limit, or may authorise the limitation of, the rights set out in this section.”
“Every individual has the right to live in a healthy, sound and balanced environment. Its protection is a national duty. The state is committed to taking the necessary measures to preserve it, avoid harming it, rationally use its natural resources to ensure that sustainable development is achieved, and guarantee the rights of future generations thereto.”
“Each citizen has the right to healthy, sufficient amounts of food and clean water. The state shall provide food resources to all citizens. It also ensures food sovereignty in a sustainable manner, and guarantees the protection of agricultural biological diversity and types of local plants to preserve the rights of generations.”
“The State, the public establishments and the territorial collectivities work for the mobilization of all the means available [disponibles] to facilitate the equal access of the citizens [feminine] and the citizens [masculine] to conditions that permit their enjoyment of the right:…to the access to water and to a healthy environment.”
“The right to water shall be guaranteed.”
“The state guarantees the right to a healthy and balanced environment and the right to participate in the protection of the climate. The state shall provide the necessary means to eradicate pollution of the environment.”
“1. Every person or community shall have the right to a clean and healthy
environment.” “…4. All levels of government shall develop energy policies that will ensure that the basic needs of the people are met while protecting and preserving the environment.”
“The rights and freedoms referred to in subsection (2) are as follows:…
l. the right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage;”
2. The introduction, development, production, tenancy, commercialization, transportation, storage, and use of chemical, biological, nuclear, and agro-chemical weapons that are internationally banned is prohibited, as well as nuclear residues and toxic and dangerous waste.
3. The State shall promote, in the public and private sector, the use of alternative and non-contaminating technologies and energies.
4. In the contracts made by the State or in the permits that it grants that involve the use and exploitation of natural resources, it shall include consideration of the obligation to conserve the ecological equilibrium, the access to technology and its transference, as well as to reestablish the environment to its natural state, if it were to be changed.
“Everyone has the right, subject to the conditions and within the limits defined by the law, to have access to the information relating to the environment held by the public authorities…”
“Everyone has the right, subject to the conditions and within the limits defined by the law … to participate in the making of public decisions which have an impact on the environment.”
“Everyone has the right to live in a stable environment which respects health.”
*This provision in the Charter of the Environment was grafted onto the
Constitution of the French Fifth Republic (1958) in 2005, when it gained
the status of a constitutional law.
“Research and innovation shall assist the preservation and utilization of the environment”
“Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right a) to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures, particularly those contemplated in Article 69; and (b) to have obligations relating to the environment fulfilled under Article 70.”
[Article 70 provides that any person may apply to a court for redress of damage to the environment.]
“1. Every person has the right- … (d.) to clean and safe water in adequate quantities;”
“The State shall put in place affirmative action programmes designed to ensure that minorities and marginalised groups- … (e.) have reasonable access to water, health services and infrastructure.”
“The State shall— (a) ensure sustainable exploitation, utilisation, management and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of the accruing benefits; (b) work to achieve and maintain a tree cover of at least ten per cent of the land area of Kenya; (c) protect and enhance intellectual property in, and indigenous knowledge of, biodiversity and the genetic resources of the communities; (d) encourage public participation in the management, protection and conservation of the environment; (e) protect genetic resources and biological diversity; (f) establish systems of environmental impact assessment, environmental audit and monitoring of the environment; (g) eliminate processes and activities that are likely to endanger the environment; and (h) utilise the environment and natural resources for the benefit of the people of Kenya….”
“Everyone shall have the right to enabling environment for life and health, credible information on its state, compensation of damage caused to health and property as a result of violation of environmental law or natural disasters. The state shall control the rational use of natural resources in order to protect and improve healthy living conditions, as well as conservation of the stable natural environment. Everyone shall be obliged to protect nature, take good care of the environment and natural wealth.”
“Every citizen has the following rights pursuant to this Constitution, and the State undertakes to achieve the progressive realization of these rights by reasonable measures within its ability and resources: a. a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. “
“Everyone shall have the right to healthy environment and the right to timely and full information about the state of environment.
Everyone, especially the Republic of Serbia and autonomous provinces, shall be accountable for the protection of environment.”
“Everyone shall have the right to a sound environment.
Everyone shall have the right to receive timely and full information about the status of the environment, to influence the decision-making regarding the issues of importance for the environment, and to legal protection of these rights.
Everyone, the state in particular, shall be bound to preserve and improve the environment.”
“Every individual has the right to enjoy a healthy environment. . . .”
“. . . The law will guarantee the community’s participation in the decisions that may affect it. . . .”
“. . . It is the duty of the state to protect the diversity and integrity of the environment, to conserve the areas of special ecological importance, and to foster education for the achievement of these ends.”
“The State will plan the handling and use of natural resources in order to guarantee their sustainable development, conservation, restoration, or replacement. Additionally, it will have to caution and control the factors of environmental deterioration, impose legal sanctions, and demand the repair of any damage caused. In the same way, it will cooperate with other nations in the protection of the ecosystems located in the border areas.”
Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2005)
“The right to decent housing, the right of access to drinking water and to electric energy are guaranteed. The law establishes the modalities of the exercise of these rights.”
“All persons have the right to a healthy environment and [one] propitious for their integral development.
They have the duty to defend it.
The State sees to the protection of the environment and the health of the population.”
“First: Every individual has the right to live in safe environmental conditions. Second: The State shall undertake the protection and preservation of the environment and its biological diversity.”
“The Republic guarantees to every citizen the right to work, to a healthy environment, to rest and to recreation within the conditions established by the law.”
“1. All citizens shall have the right to popular action in accordance with the law, either personally or through associations for defending the interests in question.
2. The right of popular action shall consist of:
(a) the right to claim for the injured party or parties such compensation as they are entitled to;
(b) The right to advocate the prevention, termination or judicial prosecution of offenses against the public health, consumer rights, environmental conservation and cultural heritage.”
“1. All citizens shall have the right to live in a balanced environment and shall have the duty to defend it.
2. The State and the local authorities, with collaboration from associations for environmental protection, shall adopt policies to protect the environment and shall promote the rational use of all natural resources.”
“The Republic of Bulgaria shall ensure the protection and reproduction of the environment, the conservation of living Nature in all its variety, and the sensible utilization of the country’s natural and other resources.”
“Everyone shall have the right to a healthy and favorable environment corresponding to established standards and norms. They shall protect the environment.”
“The land, its mineral wealth, atmosphere, water and other natural resources within the territory of Ukraine, the natural resources of its continental shelf, and the exclusive (maritime) economic zone, are objects of the right of property of the Ukrainian people. Ownership rights on behalf of the Ukrainian people are exercised by bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government within the limits determined by this Constitution.
Every citizen has the right to utilise the natural objects of the people’s right of property in accordance with the law.”
“Everyone has the right to an environment that is safe for life and health, and to compensation for damages inflicted through the violation of this right. Everyone is guaranteed the right of free access to information about the environmental situation, the quality of food and consumer goods, and also the right to disseminate such information. No one shall make such information secret.”
“1. Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to his or her health or well-being.
2. The State shall protect the environment, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures designed to-
a. prevent pollution and ecological degradation;
b. promote conservation; and
c. secure sustainable development and use of natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development.
3. It shall not be an infringement of a person’s rights under paragraph (1) if, by reason only of an allergic condition or other peculiarity, the environment is harmful to that person’s health or well-being.”
All persons have the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. For that, they are legitimated to denounce the acts that infringe this right and to claim reparation for the damage caused.
The State will guarantee, will defend and will preserve this right. The Law will determine the responsibilities and corresponding sanctions.
“It is recognized that everyone throughout the national territory has the right to a healthy environment. The transit, importation or illegal storage and dumping of toxic waste on the national territory constitute crimes that are not subject to any statute of limitations.”
“The protection of the environment and the promotion of the quality of life are a duty for the community and for each natural or legal person.
The State is committed to protecting its maritime space, its waterways, its natural parks as well as its historic sites and monuments against any form of degradation.
The State and public communities take the necessary measures to safeguard the fauna and flora.
Where there may be a risk of harm that could seriously and irreversibly affect the environment, the State and public communities are required to assess the potential harm and to adopt the necessary preventive measures by applying the precautionary principle.”
“The State shall take care of environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.”
“Everyone has the right to live in a healthy environment and enjoy the natural environment and public space. Everyone has the right to receive full information about the state of the environment in a timely manner. Everyone has the right to care for the protection of the environment. The right to participate in the adoption of decisions related to the environment shall be ensured by law.”
“1. Every person shall have the right to physical and mental health.
2. Hungary shall promote the exercise of the right set out in Paragraph (1) by ensuring that its agriculture remains free from any genetically modified organisms, by ensuring access to healthy food and drinking water …as well as by ensuring the protection of the environment.”
“Hungary shall recognise and give effect to the right of everyone to a healthy environment.”
“Everyone shall have the right to environment favorable for life and health.”
“1. The State recognizes the right of every person to a healthy, well-preserved and balanced environment.
2. The State shall provide the legislative framework for the exercise of such right.
3. Natural and legal persons have a duty to protect and improve the environment.”
“A State based on respect and equality for all…and on collective coexistence with access to water…”
“The following are essential purposes and functions of the State, in addition to those established in the Constitution and the law: To promote and guarantee the responsible and planned use of natural resources, and to stimulate their industrialization through the development and strengthening of the productive base in its different dimensions and levels, as well as to preserve the environment for the welfare of present and future generations.”
“I. Every person has the right to water…”
“I. Every person has the right to universal and equitable access to basic services of potable water, sewer systems, electricity, gas services in their domicile, postal, and telecommunications services.
III. Access to water and sewer systems are human rights, neither are the object of concession or privatization, and are subject to a regimen of licensing and registration, in accordance with the law.”
“Everyone has the right to a healthy, protected, and balanced environment. The exercise of this right must be granted to individuals and collectives of present and future generations, as well as to other living things, so they may develop in a normal and permanent way..”
“Any person, in his own right or on behalf of a collective, is authorized to take legal actions in defense of environmental rights, without prejudice to the obligation of public institutions to act on their own in the face of attacks on the environment.”
“The fundamental objectives of the State are:…f. to protect the environment and to preserve natural resources.”
“All have the right to a humane, healthy, and ecologically balanced environment and the duty to protect it and improve it for the benefit of the future generations.”
“The protection of the natural and cultural environment constitutes a duty of the State and a right of every person. The State is bound to adopt special preventive or repressive measures for the preservation of the environment in the context of the principle of sustainable development. Matters pertaining to the protection of forests and forest expanses in general shall be regulated by law. The compilation of a forest registry constitutes an obligation of the State. Alteration of the use of forests and forest expanses is prohibited, except where agricultural development or other uses imposed for the public interest prevail for the benefit of the national economy.”
“Every person shall have the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a home and to enjoy a good and healthy environment, and shall have the right to obtain medical care.”
“The land, the waters and the natural resources within shall be under the powers of the State and shall be used to the greatest benefit of the people.”
“The organisation of the national economy shall be conducted on the basis of economic democracy upholding the principles of togetherness, efficiency with justice, continuity, environmental perspective, self-sufficiency, and keeping a balance in the progress and unity of the national economy.”
“Every person has the right to a healthy environment. The State sees to the protection of the environment.”
“The State shall take the necessary measures to maintain and develop efficient land cultivation, to prevent its loss through erosion, and to provide land to farmers with insufficient land of their own, or no land.”
“Everyone has the right to live in a healthy, balanced environment.”
“Every citizen has the right to a healthy, satisfying and durable environment and has the duty of defending it.
The State sees to the protection and the conservation of the environment.”
“The Republic of Senegal guarantees to all citizens the fundamental individual freedoms, the economic and social rights as well as the collective rights. These freedoms and rights are notably:
right to a healthy [sain] environment
“Any person has the right of access, provision and drainage of water for personal and domestic consumption in a sufficient, healthy, acceptable and affordable manner. The State will guarantee such right and the law will define the bases, subsidies and modality for the equitable and sustainable access and use of the freshwater resources, establishing the participation of the Federation, local governments and municipalities, as well as the participation of the citizens for the achievement of such purposes.”
“The Nation shall … [take] necessary measures …to prevent the destruction of natural resources.”
“1. The land, its subsoil, forests, water, fauna and flora and other natural resources shall be subject to national sovereignty and State protection.”
“The citizens of Mongolia shall be guaranteed to exercise:…2. The right to a healthy and safe environment, and to be protected against environmental pollution and ecological imbalance.”
“1. Everyone has the right to a favorable environment…” “…4. The state looks after a cautious use of natural resources, protection of agricultural and forest land, ecological balance, and effective environmental care, and provides for the protection of specified species of wild plants and animals.
“The state shall protect the right of everyone to live in a benevolent environment, by providing information about environmental conditions and by promoting the preservation and improvement of the environment.”
“The fundamental values of the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia are:…proper urban and rural planning to promote a congenial human environment, as well as ecological protection and development;”
“Everyone has the right to a healthy environment to live in.
Everyone is obliged to promote and protect the environment.
The Republic provides conditions for the exercise of the right of citizens to a healthy environment.”
“…The freedom of the market and entrepreneurship can be restricted by law only for reasons of the defence of the Republic, protection of the natural and living environment or public health.”
“1. In units of local self-government, citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of local relevance particularly in the fields of public services, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, local economic development, local finances, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, education, health care and other fields determined by law.
2. In the city of Skopje the citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of relevance to the city of Skopje, particularly in the fields of public services, urban and rural planning, environmental protection, local economic development, local finances, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, education, health care and other fields determined by law.”
“The right to a healthy environment is recognized; the protection, the defense and the promotion of the environment are a duty for all.”
“Every citizen has the right to initiate an action or to join a collective action under the form of a petition against the acts … affecting the environment or the cultural or historic patrimony.”
“The State recognises the right of every person to live in and enjoy a clean, healthy and ecologically balanced environment and with a view to ensuring the effective realisation of this right the state undertakes –
(a) to take measures to promote the protection, preservation and improvement of the environment;
(b) to ensure a sustainable socio-economic development of Seychelles by a judicious use and management of the resources of Seychelles;
(c) to promote public awareness of the need to protect, preserve and improve the environment.”
“Every person has the right to a healthy environment.”
“The State and the Autonomous Collectivities must ensure environmental protection.”
“Every person shall have a right to a healthy environment. The protection of the environment shall be the duty of every citizen. The State shall ensure the protection and improvement of the environment.”
“The State shall ensure the protection and improvement of the environment.”
“Every person has a right to an environment that is conducive to health and to natural surroundings whose productivity and diversity are preserved. Natural resources should be made use of on the basis of comprehensive long-term considerations whereby this right will be safeguarded for future generations as well. In order to safeguard their right in accordance with the foregoing paragraph, citizens are entitled to be informed of the state of the natural environment and of the effects of any encroachments on nature that are planned or commenced. The State authorities shall issue further provisions for the implementation of these principles.”
“These rights include notably:…4° the right to enjoy the protection of a healthy environment.”
“All persons have the right to a clean and healthy environment.”
“1. Government shall endeavor to ensure that all Ethiopians live in a clean and healthy environment.
2. The design and implementation of programmes and projects of development shall not damage or destroy the environment.
3. People have the right to full consultation and to the expression of views in the planning and implementations of environmental policies and projects that affect them directly.
4. Government and citizens shall have the duty to protect the environment.”
“1. Every human being has the right to live in an environment that is ecologically safe for life and
health, to obtain healthy food products and harmless household appliances.”
“2. The State guarantees every person the right of free access to truthful information regarding the state of the natural environment, the living and working conditions and the quality of food products and household goods.”
“The State must ensure:…f. the restoration and protection of the environment and the maintenance of ecological balance.”
“Citizens of the Republic of Belarus shall be guaranteed the right to receive, store and disseminate complete, reliable, and timely information of the activities of state bodies and public associations … on the state of the environment.”
“State bodies, public associations and officials shall afford citizens of the Republic of Belarus with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with material that affects their rights and legitimate interests.”
“Everyone shall be entitled to a conducive environment and to compensation for loss or damage caused by the violation of this right.”
“The State shall supervise the rational utilization of natural resources to protect and improve living conditions, and to preserve and restore the environment.”
“The human right to water is essential and cannot be waived. Water constitutes a national strategic asset for use by the public and it is unalienable, not subject to a statute of limitations, immune from seizure and essential for life.”
“The State shall promote, in the public and private sectors, the use of environmentally clean technologies and nonpolluting and low-impact alternative sources of energy. Energy sovereignty shall not be achieved to the detriment of food sovereignty nor shall it affect the right to water.”
“Health is a right guaranteed by the State and whose fulfilment is linked to the exercise of other rights, among which the right to water, food, education, sports, work, social security, healthy environments and others that support the good way of living.”
“The following rights of persons are recognised and guaranteed:…The right to a decent life that ensures health, food and nutrition, clean water, housing, environmental sanitation, education, work, employment, rest and leisure, sports, clothing, social security and other necessary social services.”
“Nature, or Pacha Mama, where life is reproduced and occurs, has the right to integral respect for its existence and for the maintenance and regeneration of its life cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes.
All persons, communities, peoples and nations can call upon public authorities to enforce the rights of nature. To enforce and interpret these rights, the principles set forth in the Constitution shall be observed, as appropriate.
The State shall give incentives to natural persons and legal entities and to communities to protect nature and to promote respect for all the elements comprising an ecosystem.”
“Land and other natural resources shall be utilized and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis of life and activity of the people living in corresponding territories.”
“Everyone shall have the right to a favorable environment [and] reliable information on the state of the environment and compensation for damage caused to his (her) health and property by violations of environmental laws.”
“Everyone has the right –
a. to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being; and
b. to have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that –
“Everyone has the right to have access to – …
b. sufficient food and water;”
“All citizens shall have the right to live in a healthy and unpolluted environment and the duty to defend and preserve it.”
“The State shall take the requisite measures to protect the environment and national species of flora and fauna throughout the national territory and maintain ecological balance, ensure the correct location of economic activities and the rational development and use of all natural resources, within the context of sustainable development, respect for the rights of future generations and the preservation of species.”
“Acts that endanger or damage conservation of the environment shall be punishable by law.”
“Every citizen, either individually or through associations representing specific interests, shall have the right to take legal action in the cases and under the terms established by law, with the aim of annulling acts which are harmful to…the environment.”
“Every person shall have the right to a healthy environment. The protection, defense and promotion of the environment shall be obligations for all and for the State.”
“Each one has the right to life, to health, to physical and moral integrity, to a healthy and sufficient food supply, to potable water, to education and instruction in the conditions specified by the law.”
“Any person has the right to a healthy environment. The State has the obligation to protect the environment in the interest of present and future generations.”
“The State exercises its sovereignty over the natural resources and the subsoil. The exploitation and the administration of the natural resources and of the subsoil must be done with transparency and taking into account the protection of the environment, [and] the cultural heritage as well as the preservation of the interests of present and future generations.”
“Everyone has the right to live in a healthy, ecologically balanced environment.”
“A law will define and establish sanctions for ecological crimes. Any damage to the environment will entail an obligation to restore and to pay for damages.”
“The preservation, recovery, and improvement of the environment, as well as efforts to reconcile these goals with comprehensive human development, are priority objectives …”
“Every person has the right to a healthy, satisfying and lasting environment and has the duty to defend it.”
“The State shall watch over the protection of the environment.”
“All have the right to housing and to an environment of human life and the duty to defend it.”
“In accordance with the National System of Health, it shall be incumbent upon the State to promote Public Health aimed at the physical and mental well-being of the populations and their balanced integration into the socio-ecological environment in which they live.”
“Nicaraguans have the right to live in a healthy environment; it is the duty of the State to preserve, conserve and save the environment and natural resources.”
“The natural resources are national patrimony. The preservation of the environment, and the conservation, development and rational exploitation of the natural resources are responsibilities of the State.”
“All citizens shall have the right to a healthy and pleasant environment. The State and all citizens shall endeavor to protect the environment.”
“The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.”
“Every person has the right:…to peace, tranquility, enjoyment of leisure time and to rest, as well as to a balanced and appropriate environment for the development of his life.”
“The State is obliged to promote the conservation of biological diversity and of the protected natural areas.”
“The State promotes the sustainable development of the Amazonia by means of appropriate legislation.”
“Everyone has the right to enjoy an environment suitable for the development of the person, as well as the duty to preserve it.”
“The public authorities shall concern themselves with the rational use of all natural resources for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of life and protecting and restoring the environment …”
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
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Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
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Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
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Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
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Procedural Right, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right to Water, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Right of Nature, Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Right to Water, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right
Procedural Right, Statement of Public Policy, Substantive Right